
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Autumn Wood

I went up to Cunningham falls with my family last week. We hiked the trail till we reached the falls and enjoyed some wonderful family time.

Autumn Harvest...of pictures!


I've hardly had time to blog with this beautiful fall season. Of course, that is because I have been running around taking pictures. The scenery is ripe for photographing. I hear so many people rejoicing over the cool breezes and the rich ambiance this weather brings. These are some of my favorites from a nature walk I took with my daughter in search of the most beautiful fall leaves.

Monday, October 25, 2010


It's amazing how you can live somewhere for years and still discover new places right around the corner. A few days ago my husband went for a relaxing drive after a stressful project. He came home excited to share that about 5 minutes away there is a beautiful reservoir for fishing and boating. Loving nature as I do, I jumped on the opportunity to go with him and explore. He and my five year old strolled along the brisk breezy shore as rough little waves lapped up onto the gravel bank. I was amazed at the peaceful beauty that had been waiting for us to discover it, only moments around the bend for two and a half years. The opposite shore was lined with beautiful trees touched by the kiss of Autumn and the sun was glimmering playfully on the water.

It was a small challenge to take pictures as the brisk air blew my hair into my face over and over.

It was glorious!

I snapped away as my family skipped rocks on the water and splashed at the edges. Rock throwing of any kind seems to be popular in my family.

Not far away in a secluded area of the bank a Heron was performing his slow gliding dance towards the unsuspecting fish waiting below the surface.

A small part of me was melancholy that I hadn't found it sooner. All this time I could have been breathing in the tranquility of this place. But perhaps God in His perfect timing had been saving this, not for a rainy day, but for a beautiful uplifting sun-shining day. A day in which we would stop rushing around and take a moment to enjoy each other and God's creation.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Back in the Action

Now that I'm back in action let me take a moment to share about how I got started in the first place.

From my youngest days God has blessed me with a number of artistic gifts. I have always loved music and the arts and had an ability to excell in those areas. Math amd Science not so much, although I do value them highly. I picked up a camera in highschool and tried my hand at it. It was fun but I wasn't very good at remembering to develop film and lost interest after a while.
Then my beautiful daughter was born. I was in awe. She was so amazing. God was so amazing. He had given me this incredible gift of a human child. I had a digital video camera that also took stills that my father had given me as a baby gift. It was then that I started taking pictiures with a passion. I was further encouraged to start attempting 'real' portraits by the change from two incomes to one when I became a stay at home mom. I couldn't afford to even go to the mall and get cheap portraits as I would have liked so I began to set up little scenes and do my own. The amazing thing was it worked. I used my little photo printer and started handing them out to family instead of getting professional portraits done.
My next step was to get a very basic 8 megapixel digital camera. I was getting even better. I was learning my own little tricks to get better shots and my beautiful little girl was posing for me.
I started saving my birthday and christmas money towards a digital SLR camera. Things really took off from there. At some point I will probably take some classes. Life hasn't allowed for that as of yet.
I now have beuatiful little girl number two and the pictures continue.

I give all the credit to God for giving me these abilities and sharing His creation with me. I see His handywork everywhere and of course I reach for my camera.


My daughter singing 'Jesus loves me' to her sister.

My blue eyed angel.

My soccer Princess. (number 4)

My dinner!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Divine Inspiration Photography: Here I Go...

Divine Inspiration Photography: Here I Go...

Here I Go...

It's official. I am now blogging. My goal is to share my thoughts and love of photography. Hopefully I won't bore anyone too much!

Right now I am anxiously awaiting the repair of my camera. One day it decided to stop working, and I was bitterly dissapointed that I would not be able to finish photographing my daughter's soccer practice or any of her subsequent games. I have been unable to use it for about a month and begged the shop owner to repair it as fast as possible. It's been about a week since I put it in the shop and I can not wait for the call to let me know it's ready. Hopefully it's not more than another week and not more money than the expensive estimate.

I find as I am unable to photograph the things around me how very much I miss my camera. So many images and details pop out at me, and yet I have no way of capturing them. I use my little cell phone camera to snap important moments in my family's life but the small blurry pictures leave much to be desired.

Looking forward to the new pictures and jobs I will have when I'm back in action.

Blessings to all!