
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Here I Go...

It's official. I am now blogging. My goal is to share my thoughts and love of photography. Hopefully I won't bore anyone too much!

Right now I am anxiously awaiting the repair of my camera. One day it decided to stop working, and I was bitterly dissapointed that I would not be able to finish photographing my daughter's soccer practice or any of her subsequent games. I have been unable to use it for about a month and begged the shop owner to repair it as fast as possible. It's been about a week since I put it in the shop and I can not wait for the call to let me know it's ready. Hopefully it's not more than another week and not more money than the expensive estimate.

I find as I am unable to photograph the things around me how very much I miss my camera. So many images and details pop out at me, and yet I have no way of capturing them. I use my little cell phone camera to snap important moments in my family's life but the small blurry pictures leave much to be desired.

Looking forward to the new pictures and jobs I will have when I'm back in action.

Blessings to all!

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