
Monday, October 25, 2010


It's amazing how you can live somewhere for years and still discover new places right around the corner. A few days ago my husband went for a relaxing drive after a stressful project. He came home excited to share that about 5 minutes away there is a beautiful reservoir for fishing and boating. Loving nature as I do, I jumped on the opportunity to go with him and explore. He and my five year old strolled along the brisk breezy shore as rough little waves lapped up onto the gravel bank. I was amazed at the peaceful beauty that had been waiting for us to discover it, only moments around the bend for two and a half years. The opposite shore was lined with beautiful trees touched by the kiss of Autumn and the sun was glimmering playfully on the water.

It was a small challenge to take pictures as the brisk air blew my hair into my face over and over.

It was glorious!

I snapped away as my family skipped rocks on the water and splashed at the edges. Rock throwing of any kind seems to be popular in my family.

Not far away in a secluded area of the bank a Heron was performing his slow gliding dance towards the unsuspecting fish waiting below the surface.

A small part of me was melancholy that I hadn't found it sooner. All this time I could have been breathing in the tranquility of this place. But perhaps God in His perfect timing had been saving this, not for a rainy day, but for a beautiful uplifting sun-shining day. A day in which we would stop rushing around and take a moment to enjoy each other and God's creation.


  1. Lovely pics Melissa! I especially like the one of Clara in her boots!

  2. We've gotta schedule some photos soon! Before we lose all the pretty fall colors!

  3. Amazing beauty.. once again you see things through the artistic eye of your camera.
