
Monday, October 18, 2010

Back in the Action

Now that I'm back in action let me take a moment to share about how I got started in the first place.

From my youngest days God has blessed me with a number of artistic gifts. I have always loved music and the arts and had an ability to excell in those areas. Math amd Science not so much, although I do value them highly. I picked up a camera in highschool and tried my hand at it. It was fun but I wasn't very good at remembering to develop film and lost interest after a while.
Then my beautiful daughter was born. I was in awe. She was so amazing. God was so amazing. He had given me this incredible gift of a human child. I had a digital video camera that also took stills that my father had given me as a baby gift. It was then that I started taking pictiures with a passion. I was further encouraged to start attempting 'real' portraits by the change from two incomes to one when I became a stay at home mom. I couldn't afford to even go to the mall and get cheap portraits as I would have liked so I began to set up little scenes and do my own. The amazing thing was it worked. I used my little photo printer and started handing them out to family instead of getting professional portraits done.
My next step was to get a very basic 8 megapixel digital camera. I was getting even better. I was learning my own little tricks to get better shots and my beautiful little girl was posing for me.
I started saving my birthday and christmas money towards a digital SLR camera. Things really took off from there. At some point I will probably take some classes. Life hasn't allowed for that as of yet.
I now have beuatiful little girl number two and the pictures continue.

I give all the credit to God for giving me these abilities and sharing His creation with me. I see His handywork everywhere and of course I reach for my camera.


My daughter singing 'Jesus loves me' to her sister.

My blue eyed angel.

My soccer Princess. (number 4)

My dinner!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pics Melissa! It was great to see you on Friday night! Glad you've got that camera of yours back!
